June 17th, 2024: Press release and public presentation for media and journalists about the discovery of human remains from Badanj dated to 16,500–16,150 cal BP that currently represent the oldest human remains found on the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
August 29th, 2024: Oral communication “The biomolecular profile of a 17,000-year-old human remains from Riparo Tagliente” di Cosimo Posth, Orhan Efe Yavuz, Gregorio Oxilia, Sara Silvestrini, Laura Tassoni, Dorothée Drucker, Sahra Talamo, Federica Fontana, Stefano Benazzi presented at the 30th EAA Annual Meeting, Rome, Italy, 28th – 31st August, 2024.
August 29th, 2024: Oral communication “Lithic technical systems of early Late Glacial hunter-gatherers in the Southern Alps: insights from Riparo Tagliente” di Federica Fontana, Nicolò Fasser, Stefano Bertola, Davide Visentin, Marzio Cecchetti, e Chiara Zen presented at the 30th EAA Annual Meeting, Rome, Italy, 28th – 31st August, 2024.
August 31st, 2024: Oral communication “Diachronic evolution and geographic differentiation in the Late Epigravettian societies: biographical approach to ornaments from Tagliente rock-shelter (Verona, NE Italy)” di Leïla Hoareau, Federica Fontana, Sylvie Beyries presented at the 30th EAA Annual Meeting, Rome, Italy, 28th – 31st August, 2024.
September 12th, 2024: Poster presentation “First Genome-Wide aDNA Data for Late Upper Palaeolithic Individuals in Southeastern Europe” by Dušan Borć, Mateja Hajdinjak, Clive Bonsall, Adina Boroneant, Andrei Soficaru, Adisa Lepić, T. Douglas Price, Kevin Uno, Kristine Korzow Richter, Alana Masciana, Francesca Alhaique, Antonio Tagliacozzo, Cosimo Posth, Orhan Efe Yavuz, and David Reich presented at the 14th conference of the European Society for the Study of Human Evolution (ESHE), Zagreb, Croatia (September 12th, 2022).
Reconstruction of daily life at Riparo Tagliente in the Late Epigravettian (drawing: M. Cutrona)
Riparo Tagliente: lithic scatters